Tresky Automation is strengthening its portfolio by investing in the contract manufacturing sector

Tresky Automation is pleased to announce the latest addition to its machine park in the field of contract manufacturing. Customers will now benefit from a state-of-the-art vacuum soldering system and a high-performance sintering press with a maximum contact force of up to 15 kN.
Tresky Automation erweitert seinen Maschinenpark für die Auftragsfertigung

These new systems enable Tresky to offer additional manufacturing technologies, which is particularly advantageous for demanding applications in the fields of photonics, optoelectronics, hybrid bonding, microelectronics and power electronics. The new vacuum soldering system offers the possibility of producing cohesive joints under controlled conditions using nitrogen (N2) or formic acid (HCOOH). This process effectively reduces the number of voids, as the vacuum allows air or process residues to escape during the preheating and melting phases of the solder. The result is solder joints that are almost free of voids and flux, making them highly reliable.

In addition to vacuum soldering technology, the new sintering press expands Tresky’s range of services in the field of assembly and connection technology. The metallic sintering, in which a firm connection between materials such as silver (Ag) or copper (Cu) is produced under pressure and temperature, is particularly suitable for heavy-duty and thermally stable applications. This is especially advantageous in power electronics and in applications with high thermal and mechanical requirements. The sintering press offers a contact pressure of up to 15 kN.

“With these new systems, we are extending our wide range of manufacturing processes. These investments also emphasize our commitment to always being at the forefront of technological developments and providing our customers with the best possible solutions for their individual requirements.”
