Tresky expands digital service support with Pink Flamingo

The Pink Flamingo document management and support system offers a wide range of possibilities for servicing machinery and equipment. Tresky GmbH uses Pink Flamingo and therefore has the possibility to efficiently provide information and instructions about the Tresky-DIE Bonder to customers. These in turn can access it quickly and easily. In addition, supporting services can also be accessed digitally while saving time.

Pink Flamingo is a document management system from Butter and Salt tech marketing GmbH. The tool provides e.g. machine master data, maintenance manuals, operating instructions, maintenance protocols and other machine-related information digitally. This gives customers secure access to information stored in the document management system, which is maintained and updated in the background by Tresky. The Pink Flamingo is web-based and has no interface to the machine. Secure data transmission is ensured by SSL encryption of the platform.

Tresky now provides all DIE Bonders to be delivered with an individual QR code. Machine operators and production managers with specific access rights can use this code to access stored documents and tools at any time by scanning. Proof of identity is provided by an integrated admin tool using two-factor authentication.

In addition to the basic version, the document management system can be customised by the machine supplier with further service options. Various modules are available for this purpose. The Pink Flamingo used by Tresky GmbH offers further functions, such as a training module with maintenance and installation videos and a scheduler for machine-related maintenance intervals. Direct access to remote support is also possible. An upload function also offers the machine operator the possibility of contacting Tresky support in real time. In addition, various file formats can be transmitted, for example, if there are error messages on the machine.

Since the Pink Flamingo does not access machine data such as running times, power consumption, production data, etc., no machine interface is required. Rather, the Pink Flamingo works in its own web-based environment. Because the system uses a specially developed internet platform, all data and customer information is held by the machine partner. “This gives our customers permanent digital access to machine documents. Since we also take care of document maintenance, the effort on the customer’s side is significantly reduced. This also applies to the digital procurement of information,” says Daniel Schultze, Managing Director of Tresky GmbH.
